Here's a picture of Fin Fin at night, which could be interpereted as Halloween-like, I guess.
It's a very spooky day! I don't have anything planned, but I hope you've got something fun to do today.
As October comes to a close, November will be here soon! And November is pretty great because it's the month of my birthday!
On November 10th, I turn 17. Pretty exciting! Though it's a bit scary to think about how I'll be an adult very soon.
I'll try my best to write a page here for my birthday, so keep an eye out for that! (Though I will likely write some stuff
here before that.) On that topic, sorry about not writing here. I was working on a pretty big page, but writing is hard!
I'll try to get someone to help out on that one. I'll try to update this place more often for you guys.
Now, to celebrate Halloween, here's something that isn't very Halloween related at all.
Here's another teaser for JSTFunkin! It's not as much as last time, but for a demo coming very very soon that only has
4 songs, I'd rather not spoil much. For now, you guys get a look at the opponent for the second song. His name is Beb!
I suppose this could be a little Halloween related, since the song takes place somewhere made of candy.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading !!
(Sorry if today's page was poorly written, I just got up and wanted to get this out before Halloween ends.)